Monday, July 27, 2015

A loss is THE LOSS

Cheshire Homes India, Thiruvananthapuram joins the whole nation with deep felt sorrow in the great loss.

He was the only living role model for our youth and children.

" To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die"

Friday, July 24, 2015

Our inmate Sarasu turns sixty..

Our inmate Sarasu Thomas, the author of three books, celebrated her 60th birthday at the Cheshire Home on January 25, 2015.

There are no shortcuts to success. Especially so for the physically challenged who are victims of adversities as well. To keep a cheerful mind and mien when life appears like an interminable journey through a dark tunnel calls for courage and loads of optimism. She started to write as there is nothing else she can do. She cannot sit in a wheel-chair and is, hence, confined to a trolley. She spends her time praying, reading, writing, listening to songs and watching television.