Cheshire Homes, a unique charity institution, has its genesis in the aftermath of the human tragedy caused by World War II. Group Captain Leonard Cheshire, a highly decorated air force pilot, was an observer at the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki in 1946 after which he decided to devote his life to set up Homes for the disabled and other victims of the war. The first Homes he set up outside UK were in India starting with Bombay in 1956 which was followed by a series of Homes across India. Today there are 23 Cheshire Homes in India. Each of these homes is independent, managed by its own management board , serving the cause of the disabled, the terminally ill and the elderly. They are linked to the Leonard Cheshire Disability(L.C.D), an international organization, through the Cheshire Homes India, National Council. Leonard Cheshire Disability (L.C.D) is a Federation of Cheshire Homes and Services in 55 countries all united together by the Global Alliance Constitution with defined ethical, transparent and social objectives.
Cheshire Homes India, a National Organisation, for the last 58 years have been working for Elderly and people with disabilities, to make them contributing members of Society through Residential Care, Community Based Rehabilitation (C.B.R) programs, such as Livelihood Training and Employment, to sensitive the public at large. Today, the Cheshire Services in India is reaching out to around 20,000 persons in a year with disabilities directly across 22 states in India.